Against Bubble
With our project we aim to fight and prevent the phenomenon of Bullying against girls and boys with high functioning autistic spectrum disorder
With our project we aim to fight and prevent the phenomenon of Bullying …
… against girls and boys with high functioning autistic spectrum disorder (and the Asperger Syndrome), but not only, involving all the figures that are part of the boy’s life context and that they play the role of main actors in this phenomenon.

The design of materials
We will start by making a thorough study of the available literature and of the tools already existing. The first phase of the work will be dedicated to the construction and administration of the tool created to carry out the Survey on the Needs Analysis of the different target groups; the objective of the tool is to produce a quali-quantitative analysis. It is precisely on the basis of these results that we will proceed with the next phase of the project, which consists of the design of the materials.

The training activity
This training activity will also be applied to all partner countries. For each of them will be selected people who will take care of carrying out this activity as teachers. These will have to stick to a common program, which will be given to him, and will be trained on the techniques to be adopted, such as the flipped classroom. With the partners will be agreed a calendar of activities and the number of lessons and hours to devote to this training activity. Compared to the methods of lectures, activities that promote active participation will be favored.

The Tool Kit
This training phase will also be supported by the application of the Tool Kit, which will be built based on the results obtained by the Need Analysis. Within it will be inserted guidelines, sometimes even experiential, which will serve teachers, parents and Administrative, Technical and Auxiliary staff to recognize and prevent episodes of bullying.